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TRADEMGEN::BomDisplay Class Reference

Utility class to display TraDemGen objects with a pretty format. More...

#include <trademgen/bom/BomDisplay.hpp>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string csvDisplay (const SEVMGR::SEVMGR_ServicePtr_T)
static void csvDisplay (std::ostream &, const DemandStream &)

Detailed Description

Utility class to display TraDemGen objects with a pretty format.

Definition at line 23 of file BomDisplay.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

std::string TRADEMGEN::BomDisplay::csvDisplay ( const SEVMGR::SEVMGR_ServicePtr_T  iSEVMGR_ServicePtr)

Recursively display (dump in the underlying output log stream) the objects of the BOM tree.

std::ostream&Output stream in which the BOM tree should be logged/dumped.
constSEVMGR::SEVMGR_ServicePtr_T Pointer on the SEvMgr service handler to display the queue key and to obtain the demand stream list.

Definition at line 45 of file BomDisplay.cpp.

void TRADEMGEN::BomDisplay::csvDisplay ( std::ostream &  oStream,
const DemandStream iDemandStream 

Recursively display (dump in the underlying output log stream) the objects of the BOM tree.

std::ostream&Output stream in which the BOM tree should be logged/dumped.
constDemandStream& Root of the BOM tree to be displayed.

Definition at line 87 of file BomDisplay.cpp.

References TRADEMGEN::DemandStream::display().

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