TraDemGen Logo  1.00.0
C++ Simulated Travel Demand Generation Library
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Command-Line Test to Demonstrate How To Use TraDemGen elements
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Import section
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// STL
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
// Boost Unit Test Framework (UTF)
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE DemandGenerationTest
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
// StdAir
#include <stdair/stdair_basic_types.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasConst_General.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasLogParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasDBParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasFileMgr.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/ProgressStatusSet.hpp>
#include <stdair/bom/EventStruct.hpp>
#include <stdair/bom/BookingRequestStruct.hpp>
#include <stdair/service/Logger.hpp>
// TraDemGen
#include <trademgen/config/trademgen-paths.hpp>
namespace boost_utf = boost::unit_test;
// (Boost) Unit Test XML Report
std::ofstream utfReportStream ("DemandGenerationTestSuite_utfresults.xml");
struct UnitTestConfig {
UnitTestConfig() {
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_stream (utfReportStream);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_format (boost_utf::XML);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_test_units);
//boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_successful_tests);
~UnitTestConfig() {
// Specific type definitions
typedef std::pair<stdair::Count_T, stdair::Count_T> NbOfEventsPair_T;
typedef std::map<const stdair::DemandStreamKeyStr_T,
NbOfEventsPair_T> NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void testDemandGenerationHelper (const unsigned short iTestFlag,
const stdair::Filename_T& iDemandInputFilename,
const stdair::DemandGenerationMethod& iDemandGenerationMethod,
const bool isBuiltin) {
// Seed for the random generation
const stdair::RandomSeed_T lRandomSeed = stdair::DEFAULT_RANDOM_SEED;
// Output log File
std::ostringstream oStr;
oStr << "DemandGenerationTestSuite_" << iTestFlag << ".log";
const stdair::Filename_T lLogFilename (oStr.str());
// Set the log parameters
std::ofstream logOutputFile;
// Open and clean the log outputfile (lLogFilename.c_str());
// Initialise the TraDemGen service object
const stdair::BasLogParams lLogParams (stdair::LOG::DEBUG, logOutputFile);
TRADEMGEN::TRADEMGEN_Service trademgenService (lLogParams, lRandomSeed);
NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T lNbOfEventsMap;
// Total number of events
stdair::Count_T lRefExpectedNbOfEvents (0);
stdair::Count_T lRefActualNbOfEvents (0);
// Check whether or not a (CSV) input file should be read
if (isBuiltin == true) {
// Build the default sample BOM tree (filled with demand streams) for TraDemGen
lNbOfEventsMap.insert (NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::
value_type ("SIN-BKK 2010-Feb-08 Y",
NbOfEventsPair_T (4, 60)));
lNbOfEventsMap.insert (NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::
value_type ("BKK-HKG 2010-Feb-08 Y",
NbOfEventsPair_T (4, 60)));
lNbOfEventsMap.insert (NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::
value_type ("SIN-HKG 2010-Feb-08 Y",
NbOfEventsPair_T (4, 60)));
// Total number of events, for the 3 demand streams: 180
lRefExpectedNbOfEvents = 180;
lRefActualNbOfEvents = 186;
} else {
// Create the DemandStream objects, and insert them within the BOM tree
const TRADEMGEN::DemandFilePath lDemandFilePath (iDemandInputFilename);
trademgenService.parseAndLoad (lDemandFilePath);
lNbOfEventsMap.insert (NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::
value_type ("SIN-HND 2010-Feb-08 Y",
NbOfEventsPair_T (1, 10)));
lNbOfEventsMap.insert (NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::
value_type ("SIN-HND 2010-Feb-09 Y",
NbOfEventsPair_T (1, 10)));
lNbOfEventsMap.insert (NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::
value_type ("SIN-BKK 2010-Feb-08 Y",
NbOfEventsPair_T (1, 10)));
lNbOfEventsMap.insert (NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::
value_type ("SIN-BKK 2010-Feb-09 Y",
NbOfEventsPair_T (1, 10)));
// Total number of events, for the 4 demand streams: 40
lRefExpectedNbOfEvents = 40;
lRefActualNbOfEvents = 40;
// Retrieve the expected (mean value of the) number of events to be
// generated
const stdair::Count_T& lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated =
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lRefExpectedNbOfEvents,
std::floor (lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated));
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lRefExpectedNbOfEvents ==
std::floor (lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated),
"Expected total number of requests to be generated: "
<< lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated
<< " (=> "
<< std::floor (lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated)
<< "). Reference value: " << lRefExpectedNbOfEvents);
const stdair::Count_T& lActualNbOfEventsToBeGenerated =
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Expected number of events: "
<< lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated << ", actual: "
<< lActualNbOfEventsToBeGenerated);
// Total number of events, for all the demand streams:
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lRefActualNbOfEvents, lActualNbOfEventsToBeGenerated);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lRefActualNbOfEvents == lActualNbOfEventsToBeGenerated,
"Actual total number of requests to be generated: "
<< lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated
<< " (=> "
<< std::floor (lExpectedNbOfEventsToBeGenerated)
<< "). Reference value: " << lRefActualNbOfEvents);
const bool isQueueDone = trademgenService.isQueueDone();
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (isQueueDone == false,
"The event queue should not be empty.");
stdair::Count_T idx = 1;
while (trademgenService.isQueueDone() == false) {
// Get the next event from the event queue
stdair::EventStruct lEventStruct;
stdair::ProgressStatusSet lPPS = trademgenService.popEvent (lEventStruct);
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Poped event: '" << lEventStruct.describe() << "'.");
// Extract the corresponding demand/booking request
const stdair::BookingRequestStruct& lPoppedRequest =
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Poped booking request: '"
<< lPoppedRequest.describe() << "'.");
// Retrieve the corresponding demand stream
const stdair::DemandGeneratorKey_T& lDemandStreamKey =
// Check that the number of booking requests to be generated are correct
const NbOfEventsByDemandStreamMap_T::iterator itNbOfEventsMap =
lNbOfEventsMap.find (lDemandStreamKey);
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (itNbOfEventsMap != lNbOfEventsMap.end(),
"The demand stream key '" << lDemandStreamKey
<< "' is not expected in that test");
const NbOfEventsPair_T& lNbOfEventsPair = itNbOfEventsMap->second;
stdair::Count_T lCurrentNbOfEvents = lNbOfEventsPair.first;
const stdair::Count_T& lExpectedTotalNbOfEvents = lNbOfEventsPair.second;
// Assess whether more events should be generated for that demand stream
const bool stillHavingRequestsToBeGenerated = trademgenService.
stillHavingRequestsToBeGenerated (lDemandStreamKey, lPPS,
if (lCurrentNbOfEvents == 1) {
const stdair::ProgressStatus& lDemandStreamProgressStatus =
const stdair::Count_T& lNbOfRequests =
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lNbOfRequests, lExpectedTotalNbOfEvents);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lNbOfRequests == lExpectedTotalNbOfEvents,
"[" << lDemandStreamKey
<< "] Total number of requests to be generated: "
<< lNbOfRequests << "). Expected value: "
<< lExpectedTotalNbOfEvents);
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("=> [" << lDemandStreamKey << "][" << lCurrentNbOfEvents
<< "/" << lExpectedTotalNbOfEvents
<< "] is now processed. "
<< "Still generate events for that demand stream? "
<< stillHavingRequestsToBeGenerated);
// If there are still events to be generated for that demand stream,
// generate and add them to the event queue
if (stillHavingRequestsToBeGenerated == true) {
const stdair::BookingRequestPtr_T lNextRequest_ptr =
trademgenService.generateNextRequest (lDemandStreamKey,
assert (lNextRequest_ptr != NULL);
const stdair::Duration_T lDuration =
- lPoppedRequest.getRequestDateTime();
BOOST_REQUIRE_GT (lDuration.total_milliseconds(), 0);
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE (lDuration.total_milliseconds() > 0,
"[" << lDemandStreamKey
<< "] The date-time of the generated event ("
<< lNextRequest_ptr->getRequestDateTime()
<< ") is lower than the date-time "
<< "of the current event ("
<< lPoppedRequest.getRequestDateTime() << ")");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("[" << lDemandStreamKey << "][" << lCurrentNbOfEvents
<< "/" << lExpectedTotalNbOfEvents
<< "] Added request: '" << lNextRequest_ptr->describe()
<< "'. Is queue done? "
<< trademgenService.isQueueDone());
// Keep, within the dedicated map, the current counters of events updated.
itNbOfEventsMap->second = NbOfEventsPair_T (lCurrentNbOfEvents,
// Iterate
// Compensate for the last iteration
if (iDemandGenerationMethod == stdair::DemandGenerationMethod::STA_ORD) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (idx, lRefActualNbOfEvents);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (idx == lRefActualNbOfEvents,
"The total actual number of events is "
<< lRefActualNbOfEvents << ", but " << idx
<< " events have been generated");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("End of the simulation");
// Close the log file
// /////////////// Main: Unit Test Suite //////////////
// Set the UTF configuration (re-direct the output to a specific file)
// Start the test suite
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE (master_test_suite)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (trademgen_simple_simulation_test) {
// Input file name
const stdair::Filename_T lInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR "/demand01.csv");
// Generate the date time of the requests with the statistic order method.
const stdair::DemandGenerationMethod lDemandGenerationMethod (stdair::DemandGenerationMethod::STA_ORD);
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testDemandGenerationHelper(0,
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (trademgen_missing_input_file_test) {
// Input file name
const stdair::Filename_T lInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR "/missingFile.csv");
// Generate the date time of the requests with the statistic order method.
const stdair::DemandGenerationMethod lDemandGenerationMethod (stdair::DemandGenerationMethod::STA_ORD);
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
BOOST_CHECK_THROW (testDemandGenerationHelper(1,
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (trademgen_default_bom_simulation_test) {
// Generate the date time of the requests with the statistic order method.
const stdair::DemandGenerationMethod lDemandGenerationMethod (stdair::DemandGenerationMethod::STA_ORD);
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testDemandGenerationHelper(2,
" " ,
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (trademgen_poisson_process_test) {
// Generate the date time of the requests with the poisson process.
const stdair::DemandGenerationMethod lDemandGenerationMethod (stdair::DemandGenerationMethod::POI_PRO);
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testDemandGenerationHelper(3,
" " ,
// End the test suite